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Candy Tropic Trio

Candy Tropic Trio

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25 total reviews

Regular price 20.00 SEK
Regular price 20.00 SEK Sale price 20.00 SEK
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Tropic Trio – fluffy candy in the perfect fruity and tropical mix of pineapple, passion fruit and mango 

Soft chewies with the taste of pineapple, passion fruit and mango 

  • Only 1 g sugar per bag 
  • Great taste 
  • Perfect to go-size 
  • A more climate-friendly bag 

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      *Available in Scandinavian countries


      50 g per bag.

      Foam candy with no added sugars. Passion fruit, pineapple and mango flavour. With sweeteners. 

      Ingredients: Polydextrose (dietary fiber), isomalto-oligosaccharides*, water, sweetener (erythritol), gelatine (beef), acidity regulator (malic acid), extract from (black carrot, orange carrot), flavours, sweetener (acesulfame K, sucralose), surface treatment (carnauba wax). *A source of glucose. Excessive consumption may produce laxative effect. 

      Nutritional values/100 g: Energy: 593 kJ/140 kcal, Fat: 0,0 g, of which saturates: 0,0 g, Carbohydrate: 17 g, of which sugars: 1,2 g, Polyols: 11,4 g, Fibre: 50 g, Protein: 4,2 g, Salt: 0,06 g. 


      Tropic Trio – skumgodis i en perfekt fruktig och tropisk mix av ananas, passionsfrukt och mango.  

      • Endast 1 g socker per påse 
      • Fantastisk smak 
      • Perfekt to go-size 
      • Mer miljövänlig förpackning. 

      SE: Skumgodis utan tillsatt socker, smak av passionsfrukt, ananas, mango. Innehåller sötningsmedel. Ingredienser: Polydextros (fiber), isomalto-oligosackarider*, vatten, sötningsmedel (erytritol) gelatin (nöt), surhetsreglerande medel (äppelsyra), extrakt från svart morot, orange morot, aromer, sötningsmedel (acesulfam-K, sukralos), ytbehandling (karnaubavax). *Glukoskälla. Överdriven konsumtion kan ha laxerande effekt.

      Näringsvärde/100 g: Energi: 593 kJ/140 kcal, Fett: 0,0 g, varav mättat fett: 0,0 g, Kolhydrater: 17 g, varav sockerarter: 1,2 g, Polyoler: 11,4 g, Fiber: 50 g, Protein: 4,2 g, Salt: 0,06 g 

      Per bag

      Nutritional values/50 g: Energy: 296 kJ/70 kcal, Fat: 0,0 g, of which saturates: 0,0 g, Carbohydrate: 8 g, of which sugars: 0,57 g, Polyols: 5,7 g, Fibre: 25 g, Protein: 2,1 g, Salt: 0,03 g. 

      Näringsvärde/50 g: Energi: 296 kJ/70 kcal, Fett: 0,0 g, varav mättat fett: 0,0 g, Kolhydrater: 8 g, varav sockerarter: 0,57 g, Polyoler: 5,7 g, Fiber: 25 g, Protein: 2,1 g, Salt: 0,03 g 

      Lowest prior price: 20.00 SEK

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 25 reviews
      Aniko Vontszemuova

      So delicious and soft.

      Sharon Raisic-Koch

      Great service

      Tropic trio review

      Not enough flavor, too much sugar on top, bad powdery texture. Nice shapes though.

      Ktistaki Stella

      Like a poem

      Samuli Bäck
      Tropic trio

      A bit too essance taste.

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